The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims. 国际法庭或许是对所有权作出裁决的合适之地。
Located at The Hague, the International Court of Justice is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. 设在海牙的国际法庭是联合国的主要法律机构。
In1962, the International Court of Justice granted sovereignty to Cambodia, but adjacent land remained under Thai control. 1962年,国际仲裁法院给予柬埔寨该寺庙的领土主权,但是与这寺庙相毗邻的土地却仍在泰国的控制下。
Japan's fisheries agency has challenged its critics to take their cases to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. 日本渔业署抗议反对者把日本捕鲸的案子送交海牙的国际法庭裁决。
But Seoul said it wouldn't consider Tokyo's proposal to have the International Court of Justice look into the dispute. 但首尔说,不会考虑东京让海牙国际法庭(InternationalCourtofJustice)对此事进行仲裁的提议。
On Tuesday, Tokyo formally asked South Korea to jointly submit a request to the International Court of Justice to look into the issue. Seoul has rejected the request. 周二,东京正式要求韩国同意日韩两国将岛屿之争共同提交至海牙国际法庭(InternationalCourtofJustice),首尔拒绝了这个要求。
Analysts say a ruling from the International Court of justice on this issue could take between one and two years. 分析人士认为,国际法庭对这项议案做出裁决可能需要一年到两年时间。
Advisory opinion of the International Court of justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territory; 国际法院对在被占领巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙的法律后果发表的咨询意见;
Turkey has said it's preparing to challenge Israel's blockade of Gaza at the International Court of Justice. 土耳其称,他们准备在国际司法法庭挑战以色列对加沙地带的封锁。
In1962, the International Court of Justice awarded ownership of Preah Vihear Temple to Cambodia and the territorial dispute between Cambodia and Thailand calmed down for the time being. 1962年,国际法院把柏威夏寺判归柬埔寨,柬泰双方的领土争端暂时平息了下来。
Preliminary comprehensive report of the Working Group on the Role of the International Court of Justice 国际法院任务问题工作小组之初步综合报告
The site of the government of the Netherlands and of the Royal residence; seat of the International Court of justice. 荷兰的政府所在地和王室居住地;国际法院所在地。
Cambodia proposed Mohamed Al Bejawi, a former Algerian foreign minister and head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. 柬埔寨提名的MohamedAlBejawi是阿尔及利亚前外交部长、海牙国际法院的领导。
Looking from the course of lawsuit to International Court of justice between China and Belgilum revision treaties, Belgium took it for a means to force Peking government to yield. 从中比修约中的国际法庭应诉之争全过程来看,比利时是把国际法庭作为胁迫北京政府在修问题上让步的一种手段。
Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice 契约债务法律适用公约国际法院规约缔约方
-To strengthen the International Court of Justice, in order to ensure justice and the rule of law in international affairs. 论国际法之对国际社会整体的义务-加强国际法院,在国际事务中确保正义与法制。
Revelation of the water uses in international rivers of China from the water dispute case on the Danube by International Court of Justice 多瑙河国际水争端仲裁案对我国国际河流开发的启示
The Hague was made the permanent seat of the International Court of Justice. 海牙被确定为国际法庭的永久性所在地。
There were many controversies over the issues of admissibility in the international court of justice. 有关国际法院的管辖争议中,大量涉及到案件的可受理性问题。
The US accepts the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice with reservations. 美国有保留地接受了国际法院的强制管辖权。
On the applicant s obligation of noticing risk increasing in compulsory automobile liability insurance;-To strengthen the International Court of Justice, in order to ensure justice and the rule of law in international affairs. 机动车强制责任保险中投保人危险增加通知义务之探讨&以机动车使用性质之变更为例-加强国际法院,在国际事务中确保正义与法制。
A Study of Argument with Lawsuit to International Court of Justice between China and Belgium Revision Treaties in 1926 论1926年中比修约中的国际法庭应诉之争
In1962, the Hague-based International Court of Justice, or ICJ, ruled that the temple belonged to Cambodia. 1962年,设在海牙的国际法庭裁定这座寺庙归柬埔寨所有。
In February Australia ( with quiet sympathy from New Zealand) threatened to take Japan to the International Court of Justice unless it stopped whaling off Antarctica. 澳大利亚于二月提出威胁(新西兰也表示沉默的同情),除非日本停止在南极洲的捕鲸活动,否则就会将其送上国际法庭。
Trust Fund to Assist States in the settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice 协助各国通过国际法院解决争端信托基金
The Responsibility to Protect: Studies on the Judicial Practice of the International Court of Justice 保护的责任:国际法院相关司法实践研究
We accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and are active in development of the international law. 我们接受国际法庭的管辖,积极参与制定国际法。
Nongovernmental organizations are excluded from the participation in judicial proceedings in the International Court of Justice; 非政府组织被排除于国际法院的诉讼程序之外;
The thirty-eighth article lists the sources that International Court of Justice in the settlement of disputes should be applicable. 第三十八条列举了国际法院在解决各项争端时应适用的国际法。
In general, the criminal jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and national courts are mainly two kinds of models. This paper demonstrated the characteristics of each, and set out the future direction of international criminal jurisdiction. 一般来说,刑事管辖权主要有国际法院和国内法院两种模式,文中各论证了其特点并阐述了未来国际刑事责任管辖的努力方向。